das gibt mir Flashbacks zu dem first level support job den ich mal hatte. diese sachen passiern tatsächlich!
After KHN contacted SSM Health, Bhatt received a call from someone who worked on „patient financial experience“ issues at the hospital.
The hospital agreed to forgive the $820 facility fee. Bhatt agreed to pay the remaining $38.92, the professional fee for the ER nurse’s work. Bhatt also received a notice from Medicredit that it would take no further action against him.
Nur mit Hilfe einer Vereinigung musste er nichts zahlen, ABER:
Once you’re taken past the front desk, you will almost certainly be hit with a substantial facility fee even if you don’t receive care.
Leider Wirklichkeit in den USA…
Land of the fees
You Can Leave Your Hat On
Quasi einen Eiszapfen.
Und zwei prächtige Schneebälle.
Klassische Klingonische Oper
Batman würde das ganz sicher nicht machen sondern Alfred.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it