Musiktipps / Was hört ihr gerade? IV

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4 O’clock
4 O’clock
Never let me sleep
I close my eyes and pray
For the garish light of day
Lika a frightened child I run
From the sleep that never comes

2 „Gefällt mir“

das Solo ist :fire:

This was going to be George Harrison’s second induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (his first with the Beetles). He was a part of another band known as the Traveling Willbury’s comprised of himself, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynn, Roy Orbison, and Bob Dylan – look that group up if you want some fun. So when it came time for this induction it was clear that Jeff Lynn and Tom Petty would be part of the celebration. Jeff brought his drummer and keyboardist (I think ) and Tom Petty brought another guitarist from the Heartbreakers, seen playing electric. As this composition was being put together though the director wanted to see who else he could add, lo and behold Prince was also being inducted at the same time. The director asked if he’d be willing to play „While my Guitar Gently Weeps“ along with the others. Prince said he’d never heard the song, but he’d give it a try. The evening before the show rehearsal for this song is underway and Prince is expected to play solos, as why would he not? Except Tom Petty’s guitarist kept stepping up and playing over him. The director was of course frustrated and calls Jeff, Tom, and Prince together to talk. It is decided to let Tom’s guitarist play the solos as written (those solos were written by Clapton btw) and then Prince would step up and do what Prince does. It’s the end of the night though and everyone just goes home with the director not having heard Prince’s solo or being able to set lighting cues. Now, a „traditional“ solo is about 8 bars, which is what Prince figured he’d play, but if you look he glances to Jeff and Tom and they nod and encourage him to continue playing; which means not only is this an amazing solo, it is largely off the cuff.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Wenn ich Prince irgendwo höre, muss ich mir immer die Performance anschauen.

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Ist jetzt keine totale Granate, aber hat das was ich von einem RHCP Song gerne höre

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Gefällt mir.

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Beide Versionen echt top!

Das ist irgendwie faszinierend… ich finde Stay echt richtig großartig und doch vergesse ich den Song immer wieder… genau wie Hello

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läuft seit ein paar tagen einfach in dauerschleife…

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