Musiktipps / Was hört ihr gerade? V

Dann höre ich heute auch mal ins neue Album rein. Perfekt, um durch die Stadt zu schlendern.

1 „Gefällt mir“
1 „Gefällt mir“


2 „Gefällt mir“

1 „Gefällt mir“

neue Songs von Callahan und ZSK, habt ihr vielleicht auch schon gehört, ich find beide sehr gut

2 „Gefällt mir“

and when the night is cloudy
there is still a light that shines on me
shine until tomorrow
let it be

3 „Gefällt mir“

Hier vielleicht auch… :slight_smile:

6 „Gefällt mir“
4 „Gefällt mir“


7 „Gefällt mir“

Warum ist Evil Jared (der Zwillingsbruder von @Krogmann) eigentlich keine Bohne?

Bin auch erst hier im Forum auf die Viagra Boys gestoßen (THANKS!). :fist_right: :fist_left:
Also das Sax und die Grundstimmung in dem Live Set sind herrlich düster…Hammer.


Mal wieder in Moloko reingehört…
…hach ja, die hatten schon gut gemixte und produzierte Tracks.
Meist sehr hypnotisch-repetitiv, was die Instrumentals angeht…
…mag die Brass-Samples bei denen sehr…
…und Róisíns Vocals sind natürlich auch selbstsicher-mühelos auf den Punkt

You’re just playing with me
Bankrupt emotionally

So you sent me cold hearts and dead flowers
Can I send it back
You splash out on some fancy perfume
In a beautiful, but a rented room
And it takes bitter grapes to make it
Our finest wine.
And your far out, far-flung philosophies
Could not be further from my mind

In actuality
Bankrupt emotionally

You promised me you’d fly me to the moon
You are late, I’m still waiting
All of one we need to
but seriously, that drift with me
Get off my cloud
It’s reserved for an angel with darker wings
If it’s so important to you, Can’t you wait
Can’t you just give in

In actuality
You’re just playing with me
The facts are there to see
Bankrupt emotionally
In actuality
You’re just playing with me
The facts are there to see
Bankrupt emotionally
In actuality
You’re just playing with me
The facts are there to see
Bankrupt emotionally
You’re just playing with me
Bankrupt emotionally

2 „Gefällt mir“

…und wo wir grad bei Brass-Samples waren…
Da find ich die auch ganz toll (vorm „Chorus“, wenn man das so nennen will)
Auch wenn mir Reznor den Mix immer sehr matschig gemacht hat (zumindest auf den ersten 3 Platten)

You had all of them on your side
Didn’t you, didn’t you?
You believed in all your lies
Didn’t you, didn’t you?

The Ruiner’s got a lot to prove
He’s got nothing to lose and now he made you believe
The Ruiner is your only friend
And he’s the living end to the cattle he deceives

Raping of the innocent
You know the Ruiner ruins everything he sees
Now the only pure thing left
In my fucking world is wearing your disease

How’d you get so big?
How’d you get so strong?
How’d it get so hard?
How’d it get so long?

You had to give them all a sign
Didn’t you, didn’t you?
You had to covet what was mine
Didn’t you, didn’t you?

The ruiner’s a collector
He’s an infecter, serving his shit to his flies
Maybe there will come a day
When those that you keep blind will suddenly realize
Maybe it’s a part of me
You took it to a place I hoped it would never go
And maybe that fucked me up much more than you’ll ever know

How’d you get so big?
How’d you get so strong?
How’d you get so hard?
How’d it get so long?

And what you gave to me?
My perfect ring of scars
You know I can see
What you really are

You didn’t hurt me
Nothing can hurt me
You didn’t hurt me
Nothing can stop me now

2 „Gefällt mir“

Ich liebe es einfach so sehr :beanfeels:

1 „Gefällt mir“
