Der Spam-Thread IV - Dumme GIFs und ständig dicht, hier spammt nur die Unterschicht!

Irgendwie sehr einseitig dargestellt :beansad:

Dann musst du deine eigene Biografie schreiben. Sonst wird das so in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen, wenn dutzende Historiker das RBTV-Forum analysieren :smiley:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Achwas, das Ding hier wird eh gelöscht wenn die Aliens endlich über uns herrschen :beanjoy:

Guten Morgen. Heyyy Windows Update ist tatsächlich über Nacht fertig geworden. Das ging ja flott. :florentin:

Wow, drei Stunden Schlaf, zwei Stunden vor dem Wecker wach, ich hasse Mückenstiche :sob:

Hast du doch?



1 „Gefällt mir“

Was haben wir denn hier. Eine Umfrage. Ihr mögt doch Umfragen :wink:

stimmt, aber über n paar saftige Details hätte ich mich gefreut :sadsimon:

sers! Wie war der Zahnarztbesuch? :gunnar:

So wurde sie zum Raumschiff

Masana wanted to disable the ship’s main computer—she hoped to use the Force to make the enclision grid protecting the center misfire and then disable the ship’s computer. Ultimately, Eris went off without her and was killed when the guns blew up his ship. Masana, heartbroken, continued with her plan. She knew that the grid would eventually hit her as she proceeded toward the ship’s core and that each successive hit would increase her chances of being hit again. Her surmise was correct and her physical body was slain, charred by the lightning of the grid. Masana, however, used her talents in the Force to transfer her spirit into the Eye of Palpatine’s gunnery computer.

Das Treffen und das dramatische Opfer

She remained there for thirty years, until Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and several other New Republic Jedi were captured by the Eye of Palpatine’s automatic systems, brainwashed, and taken aboard. Other crew taken by the ship included Sand People, Jawas, and Gamorreans, which created a large number of problems for the Jedi. One of the Jawas gave Masana’s lightsaber to Skywalker during his initial investigations into the ship. Masana first revealed herself to Skywalker while he was on the run from Sand People, helping him by opening doors and giving him a safe place to hide in a quartermaster’s office, sealing the door behind him. While he was inside the office, she revealed herself to him by appearing on a monitor screen while he looked at himself in it. She had been observing him for some time and after he resolved to destroy the weapon, she aided him against the ship’s controlling central computer. Since the entire ship was wired, Skywalker could communicate with her spirit via the Force and she with him using the ship’s computers and screens, as well as the Force.[2]

However, Skywalker had concerns of his own. One of his students, Cray Mingla, had been brought onboard the Eye of Palpatine at the same time as Skywalker, but Mingla had since been captured by a group of Gamorreans. The ruling ship’s computer had determined that Mingla was to be executed, and so Masana aided Skywalker in his efforts to free his student. She helped him rig up a foo-twitter to scare off the Gamorreans, and while he worked, they exchanged life stories, partially through words, and partially by sharing Force visions of their pasts with one another. After being attacked by several of the ship’s droids, Skywalker even saw a vision of her final heroics in heading toward the gun room thirty years previously. When he awoke, Masana helped distract the Gamorreans by impersonating the ship’s computer to compel the Gamorreans, who were indoctrinated to follow the computer’s orders, to attack a rival Gamorrean tribe so Skywalker could free Mingla. She also helped him get the eclectic members of the ship’s brainwashed crew—even the Gamorreans—to landers to get them off the dreadnaught.[2]

During Skywalker’s time on the Eye of Palpatine, the two fell in love. Skywalker wanted to have Mingla—who was also a noted artificial intelligence programmer—create a human replica droid for Masana in an attempt to preserve her spirit, as had been done for Mingla’s own lover, Nichos Marr, who was also present on the Eye of Palpatine. However, Masana insisted that they destroy the automated craft, even at the cost of her own life. As Mingla and Masana feared that Skywalker would not be able to put an end to the Eye of Palpatine, Mingla stunned Skywalker and transferred him to one of the landers. However, with guidance from Masana, Mingla—who wished to die and be reunited with her dead lover—used the Force to misfire the enclision grid while Marr journeyed to the control room and detonated the station. Just prior to the station’s destruction, Masana transferred her spirit into Mingla’s body.[2]

Ah Mist, kein magic Jedi-Kram mehr

Unfortunately for Masana—now going by the surname Ming—the process of transferring bodies severed her connection to the Force. While she was able to explain some things about the Jedi Order, including the toys and other artifacts on Belsavis,[2] as well as inform Skywalker of the history of the Order, which later proved useful in rediscovering the Shard Iron Knights,[10] she herself was unable to use the Force. Skywalker remained loyal to Ming despite this and took it upon himself to aid her in reconnecting with the Force after they returned to the Jedi Praxeum on the moon Yavin 4.[6]

After journeying together to Coruscant to deliver a message warning of Hutt intrigue to Skywalker’s sister, Leia Organa Solo, Skywalker and Ming took a trip in the hopes of reconnecting her to the Force. To this end, he took her to a number of places to try and spark her connection to the Force while they also tried to deepen their relationship. First, they went to the Mulako Corporation Primordial Water Quarry, which reminded her of her watery homeworld. Although Ming thought it was a romantic, personal place, it did not help her connect with the Force. Instead, she had Skywalker take her to the planet Dagobah, where Skywalker had trained to become a Jedi. They arrived on the planet without incident, but not long after landing, they were attacked by nightbats. In combat, Ming unleashed her anger on them, revealing that she could still touch the dark side of the Force. Skywalker was tempted to think of that as progress, but Ming firmly stated that if she could only touch the dark side, she would prefer never to use the Force again.[6]

Leaving Dagobah, they journeyed to Hoth, where the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi had once appeared to Skywalker, but while heading toward the ruins of Echo Base, they were attacked by two automated turrets. Skywalker and Ming handily defeated them and entered the base to find a group of hunters who had been trapped there by a sizable herd of ferocious wampas. They tried to get Skywalker and Ming to take them off-planet, but the ice creatures crippled their ship. Although they fell back to Echo Base, wampas attacked the party both en route and after their withdrawal, and the hunters were all eventually killed. Ming joined Skywalker in fighting their way back to the ship, managing to resist the temptation to use the dark side and unleash her anger. They took off despite the damage to their vessel, but with no hyperdrive and failing life support, Ming was placed in the one life support suit while Skywalker entered hibernation trance and used the Force to call for his sister. The two nearly froze to death until Organa Solo, responding to Skywalker’s call, arrived in the freighter Millennium Falcon to save them.[6]

BRB, such nur kurz nach der Macht

I have to go on my own odyssey. I’m confident that someday I will rediscover my powers. That way I can come back to you on my own terms."
―Ming in her last message to Skywalker[src]
The Millennium Falcon conveyed Ming and Skywalker back to the Jedi Praxeum to recover, only to find that it was under attack by the Knight Hammer, flagship of the United Warlord Fleets’ Admiral Natasi Daala. Ming joined the defense with the other Jedi, but realized that she would not be as effective as the others, who were able to use the Force to battle Daala’s ground troops. Ming wanted to stand as strongly as the other trainees, and not be left behind in their wake. Seizing a damaged Imperial TIE bomber after killing the pilot, who had been trying to repair the grounded ship, Ming infiltrated the Knight Hammer. She landed in a hangar bay after giving a false radiation alarm and found the deserted hangar to be full of loaded TIE bombers. She then set a large number of the bombers to explode on a timer inside the flagship’s hangar, severely damaging the Knight Hammer’s engines and dooming it to crash into the planet Yavin. Ming went on to confront Admiral Daala, preparing to sacrifice herself to stop the renegade admiral. Resigned to her fate, Ming used the Force to direct her lightsaber, regardless of the dangers of the dark side, deflecting blaster bolts fired by the admiral. Daala eventually fired on stun to incapacitate Ming and left her to die on the doomed ship. Ming was presumed dead, although she revealed her survival to Skywalker. Nevertheless, she decided to leave him, realizing that she needed to strike out on her own to rediscover her Force connection. She felt that remaining with Skywalker put too much pressure on her and was too painful. She did hope to return to him one day, but only if she was able to regain her Force powers without using the dark side.[6]

In 13 ABY, she worked on the Gamorrean trading-ship Zicreex. Bogged down on the planet Gamorr during slushtime, she became caught up in the murder of the Gamorrean warlord Vrokk, who had supposedly been slain by Guth, one of the crew on the Zicreex. Vrokk’s wife, Kufbrug, had sealed off the room where Vrokk had been murdered, and Guth had been a one-time romantic interest of hers. Ming was able to convince Kufbrug to let her investigate the murder, although the Gamorrean held the other crew of the Zicreex as prisoners. Ming contacted Sebastin Onyx, a poet, and obtained an enzymer from a local Bith. Constructing a reflective panel in the room where Vrokk had been slain, she and Kufbrug waited until evening, when the murderer revealed itself to be a kheilwar insect from the planet Af’El. Ming and Kufbrug fought off the creature until, cornered, it changed its shape to resemble those it had seen. This particular kheilwar changed into images of Rog and Gundruk—Vrokk’s brother and Kufbrug’s daughter, who had been trying to murder Vrokk, Guth, and eventually Kufbrug in order to take over their sizeable holdings. Ming—refusing to succumb to the temptation to use the dark side—and Kufbrug fought off the kheilwar until morning, when it was destroyed by the sunlight. Having solved the murder, Ming and the others were finally cleared of all charges and released.

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1 „Gefällt mir“

Der ist doch erst nächsten Montag! Nach dem Maiden Konzert. Hörst du nicht zu?! :eddy:


1 „Gefällt mir“


lass dich necken :stuck_out_tongue:

P. s. Ich war heute & darf morgen nochmal, beim doc wurde eingebrochen und morgen geht der Betrieb los :upside_down_face:

@irishrOy hat erstaunlich viel Interesse an Raumschiffsex :smiley:

3 „Gefällt mir“

Raumschiff liebe, bitte! Das ist immernoch ein kindgerechtes Space-Märchen. Da hat man keinen Sex. Da hat man tiefe innige Zuneigung und emotionale Verbindungen …zu Raumschiffen

1 „Gefällt mir“

Ich wette er hat zumindest versucht sein Lichtschwert in den USB Port zu rammen.

1 „Gefällt mir“

tiefe. innige. emotionale. verbindung.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Heute nur bis 1 Uhr Nachts gepennt.:beanwat: