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Stimmt, das gabs auch noch. Werde ich noch ergänzen
Ich hoffe doch dass Nintendo sich noch dazu äußern wird wann die Virtual Console endlich auch auf der Switch kommt.
„Nintendo is proud to announce that we are currently working on a virtual console release for the Switch Console. Stay tuned!“.
Kommt bestimmt mit dem neuen RPG was sie angekündigt haben.
Hatte eigentlich damit gerechnet dass da heute was kommt, da gestern 9 Stunden lang der Nintendo eShop gewartet wurde.
Hier noch 2 Spiele aus dem Microsoft Highlight Reel die cool aussehen
Wird bestimmt irgendwann in einer ihrer total tollen “Directs” von heut auf morgen angekündigt.
Solange sie endlich sagen wann es losgeht und es nicht erst 2741 ist solls mir recht sein.
Also die Ankündigung von „Metroid Prime 4“ ist schon wirklich eine ziemlich feine Sache!
For new people coming in, here’s a recap of info that has been shared so far by Capcom employees who have worked on/with Monster Hunter.
A 4:56 video that shows a bit more extended footage of the things we’ve already seen.
Monster Hunter: World is not a spin-off.
Monster Hunter: World was worked on by the main development team in Japan.
You can play offline.
Fishing, mining, and capturing bugs still in the game.
All 14 weapon types confirmed in the game.
Tails still cuttable.
Hunt, Carve, Forge loop is still there.
Still has the same rewarding and challenging gameplay.
Health, stamina, potions, sharpness still present.
Sound still plays after making a good well done steak.
Targeting locked 30FPS across all platforms (referring to console).
The game uses the MT Framework. Maybe PC as well, weird wording in this one.
Insect Glaive will be in the game.
When asked about Hunter Arts, response was “Brand new title. Brand new gameplay systems in place!”
Separate maps, but zones are gone!
More clarification on maps/zones: “It’s not open world game, but all the maps are massive and wide open, without any loading screens :)”
Charge Blade is in, Tonfa is not.
No underwater combat.
No Prowler Mode in Monster Hunter World.
Palicoes are in the game.
In-game voice chat is supported.
You can either choose to sneak past small monsters to avoid fighting them, or kill them to collect/loot their bodies. The world is “hella flexible.”
Gestures will be present in Monster Hunter: World.
They are completely focused on World for the western markets, and Monster Hunter: World is once again confirmed as the next main title in the series.
After being asked if there will be a Monster Hunter 5 or a game for the Japanese audiences, they reply was: “This is the next generation of Monster Hunter!”
You can both do drop-in/drop-out co-op, or form a pre-hunt party in Monster Hunter: World.
Multiplayer is online-only, there is no local co-op.
Monsters will not have health bars, but damage numbers will appear.
Monster Hunter World is confirmed to NOT have regenerating health. I guess there was a rumor going around about this? Idk…
Japanese Twitter showed off some new screenshots: 1 2 3 4 5. As well as a new title card image.
/u/LinFTW did a recap of the Playstation Live Event information that can be found here.
Recap of a users experience from NeoGAF with behind-closed-doors Monster Hunter: World footage:
Started demo off with just one hunter, he tracked the new monster with “scout flies” …
when the battle got rough, he led the new monster to Rathalos Nest very high up in the environment.
Rathalos was pissed to see the hunter and the monster creeping into his lair and preceded to wreck ever
Great animations of the monsters fighting each other. The lone hunter sends signal flare and 3 other devs join mid battle.
Lots of vertical combat, more than MH4. Seems all hunters have a grappling hook.
The monsters interactions with each other was very cool, they encountered 3 different large monsters during demo.
One of them ate an herbivore whole lol.
The rapid fire on the heavy bowgun is a special ability.
The combat looks and feels like traditional monster hunter with quality of life improvements.
Day and night cycle is realtime, Rathalos destroyed a dam which cause an area to flood. Sweeping 2 of the hunters out of the area.
I really like that they went back to a more prehistoric feeling and mood to the game.
The fours hunters fighting together looked awesome, Rathalos has many new attacks, throws and animations.
The bow has a nice new attack which drops small bombs on top of the monsters.
I think they finally updated the Rathalos model haha.
I wish it was a bit more stylized, but the Graphics look great.
danke, sehen beide toll aus. hab auf so zeug viel mehr bock wie das ganze 3d gedöns
Ach Phil… (er hat zwar recht aber siehe weiter unten)
Ich finde auch Deals ungeil die ganze Games von Third Party Herstellern für 1 Jahr von anderen Plattformen fernhalten
Weiter oben schon gesagt, dass Phil die Tage nur Bullshit redet. Schade eigentlich, war mir immer ganz sympatisch.
So schön übersichtlich nun
Merci, und um ganz unverschämt zu sein, könnte man noch den Nintendo Treehouse Stream einbetten (da wurden/werden auch ein paar Neuigkeiten gebracht, zB Metroid: Samus Returns)
Danke für die Erinnerung. War ja gestern noch nicht online und hab dann darauf vergessen. Btw: Der Startpost ist ein Wiki
Wozu sollte sich jemand die Mühe machen, solange es Idioten wie dich und mich gibt die sich darum kümmern
Schon mal geil, dass es nicht auf dem Movie Franchise aufbaut und einen eigenen Weg geht. Des Weiteren war das Miles Morales Cameo am Schluss absolut gewollt, er soll eine größere Rolle spielen.
Wird für mich nach dem gezeigten ein Pflichtkauf, zu mal Spider-Man eh der geilste Superheld ist mMn.
Fehlt für mich nur noch eine Sache: Kostüme!