Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)

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Das wird so geil. Alles andere ist mir jetzt Scheißegal!:beangasm::beangasm::beangasm:

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Japanischer Trailer zum Spiel:

(hab wo aufgeschnappt, dass die Voice Actors Schulungen betreffend der Zeitepoche bekommen haben)

4 „Gefällt mir“

Aber echt :smiley: Das hört sich einfach saugeil an - dafür würde ich alles stehen und liegen lassen.
Ich hoffe mal das Teil kommt zeitnah in den Handel!

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  1. Juni wird es erscheinen + neuer Story-Trailer
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Geil. Wird wohl das erste “storylastige” Game seit 18 Monaten oder so das ich mir holen werde.

sehr nice, endlich was fürs Sommerloch!!!

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Aber hoffentlich hat er nicht seinen Orientierungssinn.:ugly:

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Haufenweise neue Infos:

  • Julien chieze was able to speak with Jason Connell, Creative Director on Ghost of Tsushima. I made a translation of the information we were able to learn :
  • Zelda and Shadow of Colosus was a big inspiration for this game especially for artistic direction, he wanted the colors to be vibrant as possible.
  • The wind is the main way to navigate the game world, there are no markers. He wanted the game to be immersive as possible.
  • We can reduce the shine effect on the items that we can pick up. He made a comparison with Red Ded Redemption which is for him a good and beautiful game but for Ghost of Tsushima they wanted the game to be pleasant as possible to play without having too many superfluous animations which break the rhythm and that is why Jin can pick up items on his horse.
  • The instrument that we see Jin playing in the video will be the only one present in the game and Jason did not want to say what it would be used for.
  • We can hunt animals in the game but there is nothing to gain by doing it. Animals are mainly there to be more immersed in the universe and guiding you.
  • The Standoff mode can be activated anytime even in infiltration.
  • The little tennis balls are called the Jin Resolved Meter when we hit an enemy the bar will load and it will also be used for healing and there are also many other things related to this gauge but he did not want too get into the details.
  • There will be much more stances than the two that we saw in the video, it will be used to apprehend the different types of enemies.
  • The main weapon of the game will be and will remain the katana throughout the game but there will be many other weapons and gadgets. Weapons like the katana or the bow will be displayed on all the outfits of the game but not the smallest ones because there are a lot of outfits in the game and it would represent too much work.
  • If you wear heavy armor you will be less agile so it will make infiltration harder.
  • There are several ways to retrieve the outfits, either through the main story, by doing quests, by buying them in the villages or simply by exploring the world.
  • There are a lot of side stories in the game where you can build more or less strong relationships with different characters to learn more about their stories but it’s up to the player’s freedom and you can miss them.
  • The music is composed by Shigeru Umebayashi but the game having grown a lot, he realized that he could not do everything alone so they hired a second composer to work with Umebayashi and his name is Ilan Eshkeri.

Ghost of Tsushima Creative Director on Moving Away From Infamous’ Karma Meter

“We thought about [a morality meter] because we had the karma system in [Infamous: Second Son], but we realized it was more important to us that we wanted to tell a human story of someone who is this way and has to evolve into something else, versus transform completely into something else,” Connell explained. “He doesn’t flip flop back and forth, it muddied it up for us. We really wanted the story to reflect his transformation."

“It definitely plays with the notion of, you’re born and raised into this certain way of life. There’s expectations of you, the way you should perform. And then at some point, because some events happen, in this case a war, you have to challenge those things. And not everybody’s going to love the fact that you’re going to challenge an assumption that’s made upon your life,” he explained.

“There’s definitely important story moments that are more reflective of this change than others. But the reality is that even as you have gotten to some story moments, you can still play the game as this Samurai, you may just be more potent or more powerful. We don’t make you choose between [samurai and Ghost],” Connell said.

“When he’s a Ghost, he can turn around and play as a samurai because he’s always a samurai. All his training, using the Katana, that stuff is buried in him deep. On the stealth [State of Play segement], if you wanted to jump off the roof and start fighting like a samurai, you could totally do that. We don’t spec you out and suddenly you can’t play as a samurai. He’s always at his core, his heart of hearts, a samurai. The Ghost is this legendary warrior that he’s evolving into,” Connell said.

Combat is very difficult

Even though we saw someone slicing through enemies in the State of Play, I assumed that this player was very skilled, and that the eventual gameplay will be way harder on us. Nate completely agreed with me. “We are trying to make a grounded game in that sense, so a couple blows from the enemy will kill you. The game is very challenging. We have three words to describe the combat: Mud, blood and steel. We absolutely honor the lethality of the sword. We watched samurai movies and people go down with one or two strikes, and that is embedded inside of the combat. Beating the Mongols in battle will be hard, but it’s that challenge that makes it feel alive and the victory rewarding. You can’t just run into a camp and fight 5 people at the same time, you will get overwhelmed and die.”


Engaging combat and succeeding won’t be easy, and you probably have to use everything you got to win a fight, and most importantly play smart. Sucker Punch wants to honor this trait from old samurai movies, by introducing one-on-one stand-offs against other swordsman, that will prove to be very challenging. “One thing we didn’t show at State of Play which I wish we had, was that the game features duels against other expert swordsman. This is classic samurai stuff. Those fights are incredibly difficult and they’re driven from personality and get solved in the most cinematic way possible, which is also true to fantasy. You need to study your opponent and understand how they attack in order to win.”

The Island of Tsushima

“What you saw in the presentation was some side action in the game. It was not part of one’s particular story. The map has Mongolians everywhere, and the main part will be Jin’s transformation from being a samurai to overtime becoming the Ghost. Next to that story you will meet people that try to survive in the world, with stories that will branch of off the main one. That is what the body of the game is made up off.”

“By not following Jin’s story and going after your curiosity, you will definitely become stronger than by just following Jin’s story in one line, but more importantly, you get a way more varied and interesting experience. There are all sorts of hidden stories and items you get acces to by following your curiosity. This is why we didn’t add markers on the map. We want you to get lost in Tsushima, that when you are heading to a hill, you suddenly hear a bird you think, maybe I will follow that instead. Just get lost from the one thing to the next, and we want to give you the tools and freedom to do that.”

“The map we showed at the State of Play was VERY zoomed in

“The map we showed during the State of Play was VERY zoomed in", Fox explains. “That was just a little portion of the starting area, the actual map is huge.” Fox goes on to say that It’s the biggest thing they have ever done at Sucker Punch, and it’s also a lot more diverse. “Tsushima Island covers the biomes you can find on main land Japan, from snowy mountains to bamboo forests, to waterfalls and rolling grasslands, it’s all there.” Even though the map is very big, Sucker Punch made sure it won’t feel empty. "We want to give enough stuff to keep it electrifying for the player. We didn’t want to make a huge map and have nothing on it. So it’s packed with people, items and stories to explore.”

Ghost of Tsushima Game Director says combat is very challenging - Interview

Jin has to become the Ghost as one of the last samurai.


“The world is a dynamic simulation. We don’t know where models are all the time because they make choices and they roam about, as do wild animals. And the world has been authored so that if you see a funky looking rock and you’re curious about it, we’re going to reward you for that curiosity. So yes, the world’s been created with a sense of intentionality, but at the same time, it’s dynamic in a way that it is unpredictable.”

“This game is an anthology of stories. It’s not just Jin’s arc – as he transforms himself from samurai to the ghost. He gets to know a lot of people who are struggling to survive on Tsushima Island. And hear about how they’re dealing with this invasion. And there are some rewards that come from that, that help you get stronger, but also help you customize the character to how you want to play or even how you want to look.”

“The lowest Mongol in our game can kill you very quickly, even when you’re very advanced,” he says. “This is so that the danger is always there. The reality of the world is always there. But in a world that is so dangerous, even small incremental growth, you feel it.”

Ghost of Tsushima’s samurai rabbit roots, fox petting, and commitment to authenticity

Ghost of Tsushima is “a love letter to the samurai genre,” says game director


3 „Gefällt mir“

Hört sich alles ziemlich schnieke an. Auch bzw gerade das mit den Kämpfen.

fap fap fap

2 „Gefällt mir“

Hört sich einfach alles extrem lecker an, was man von dem Spiel erfährt.

1 „Gefällt mir“

grad nochmal das gameplay in besserer quali geschaut und es wird immer leckerer :beangasm:

2 „Gefällt mir“

Klingt zu gut um wahr zu sein. Bin sehr gespannt :smiley:

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1 „Gefällt mir“

neuer Trailer für GoT.


eigentlich hoffe ich nur noch das die story gut wird,der rest sieht schon mal richtig gut aus.

Man Weiss leider auch noch garnix bzgl der Qualität der nebenquests