Ja fänd ich dann auch nicht schlecht und Sasha Banks holt sich dann den Titel
Ich find ja Becky Lynch ziemlich cool, aber die wirds wohl erstmal mit Emma zu tun haben …
Die geht auch klar, aber an Sasha kommt keiner ran mal sehen wann sie zurückkommt uns Seth rollins müsste auch solangsam mal wiederkommen. Dann wäre ich derzeit sogar relativ zufrieden
Hauptsache irgendwer versohlt Roman demnächst mal den Arsch… Gerne Seth, würde aber lieber Ambrose als Champ sehen
Wäre ich auch mit einverstanden. Hauptsache der Quatsch mit „the guy“ hört auf
Und der neue Champ würde mehr als nen Punch, „Supermanpunch“, Spear und Samoan Drop zeigen
Ja aber da kann man auch andere zum Champ machen. Owens ist zum Beispiel überragend finde ich
Sami Zayn ist auch klasse… Aber bei den beiden ist das wohl noch zu früh… genauso wie bei AJ
Ja über aj braucht man nicht reden. Der ist einfach grandios hoffe sie versauen das mit dem Club nicht, denn bisher gefällt mir das nicht so mit denen
hm joa… Luke Gallows und Karl Anderson sind mir zu sehr Heel um mit AJ zu teamen. Vielleicht auch nur meine Meinung. Kommt so rüber, als würde Vinnie Versuchen AJ in richtung Heel zu drücken…
Das kann sein aber das wäre echt dämlich, also typisch vinnie auf balor freue ich mich schon
ohja =) und Nakamura ist auch ziemlich nice =)
Ja aber von dem habe ich noch nicht so viel gesehen
Zayn gegen Nakamura… bestes Match der Welt seit WCW vs WWE 2001!
Muss ich mir mal angucken wie es scheint
Hier mal ein post den ich vor 2 Jahren in einem Wrestling Forum verfasst habe. Ist leider auf englisch, aber ich denke leute die sich mit wrestling beschäftigen sind dieser sprache meistens mächtig.
The Undertaker, or why i have a problem with modern wrestling
It was in 1990, i was 19 years old, that my Dad got us a satellite dish. Just so you understand this, back then in Germany you had 5 to 7 TV channels, and only if you had satellite you were able to get more. Cable was just in its beginnings.
Now i was all excited browsing the new TV programs, and one program in particular, i dont even remember what channel it was on, caught my interest. There were some pretty colorful guys jumping around in what seemed to be a boxing ring, beating the shit out of each other.
I got hooked from minute one, and the german commentators, knowing that wrestling back then was a niche sport, made a special effort to explain what was going on. I think the first match i saw was with ‘El Matador’ Tito Santana. It probably wasnt even a good match, but damn, did it get me excited.
Now, to understand the next part, i need to give a tiny bit of extra information. When i was 19 i was what people would call a gothic. Yes, all dressed in black, eyeliner, wearing upside down crucifixes, the whole deal.
And as i was sitting there giving my best Robert Smith impression, watching this newfound program, i was awestruck.
All of a sudden there was this GONG, followed by the funeral march, and this MONSTROUS guy walked down to the ring, wearing all black and grey, looking more dead than alive.
Needless to say, i was stunned. I became an instant Undertaker fan, the minute i first saw him.
I followed his career over the years, and even as i got older and my understanding of wrestling and the whole business grew (yes, in the first few weeks i had no idea that the fights were actually fake, since i had no internet and noone i talked to knew about it at all), i still favored the big pale guy. No matter what he did, i thought it was awesome.
Actually, i didnt even really care for the fights themselves that much. I guess you could say that for me wrestling and especially the Undertaker were some form of adult cartoon, just like He-Man or Captain Future.
Now, why am i saying all this? Its simple. The product that is the WWE right now has nothing to do with what i watched back then anymore. None of the colorful heroes and antiheroes are really left, except maybe Kane. The Undertaker wrestles max 1 time a year, and not even that is certain anymore. It makes me sad. I really think that most current wrestlers are bland and absolutely boring compared to the likes of Taker, the British Bulldog, Ted DiBiase Sr, Sid Vicious, Mr. Perfect, Vader, Yokozuna, Bret Hart, HBK, and so on and so on.
They used to be my larger than life heroes or villains. They were my cartoon stars. My Superman and Batman and Joker and Lex Luthor.
I dont see that anymore. All i see is boring average guys like Cena or Daniel Bryan or CM Punk or whoever is on the current roster and main event scene. They simply dont tickle me the way the old guard did. Now, this is by no means an attack on Punk or Cena or Bryan. It is just that they are NOT what i started watching wresling for. I am quite sure that the day the Undertaker finally really retires will be the last wrestling show i ever watch. And it makes me sad.
Thanks for reading. If the mods think this should go into the blogs area, let me know.
echt sehenswert!
Bis jetzt ist extrem Rules UNFASSBAR EXTREME GEIL!
Naja nich wirklich
OH DOCH! DAS ENDE … HOLY COW! HE IS BACK! Und die Matches waren auch ziemlich grandios. Das Main - Event war extrem unterhaltsam!