EVE-Online | CCP Games

o/ zusammen

Für alle die Eve noch nicht kennen
aber die seit den News von gestern mehr Infos zu dem Krieg, der gerade im Cluster
satt findet,haben wollen habe ich hier ein offizielles CCP
(Entwickler von EvE) Video, welches zeigen soll was bisher schon geschehen ist.
Das Video hat deutsche Untertitel.

Wer jetzt Bock bekommen hat auch in die
Schlacht zu ziehen ( natürlich GEGEN das Imperium) hab ich
hier einen Link für einen Probeaccount:

Ingame einfach in den Rocketeve Chat
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Habe mal den Thread-Namen angepasst damit hier alle künftigen Eve-Beiträge reinpassen. Nicht nur Sachen zum aktuellen Krieg.

Zwecks des ref-links sei noch gesagt dass recht viele einem für den Einstieg über eben diesen ISK/Schiffe und Skills bereitstellen. : )

1 „Gefällt mir“

wenn schon ein eve thread, dann darf der geilste game trailer aller zeiten nicht fehlen:

2 „Gefällt mir“

Finde das hier auch echt klasse

EVE Propaganda is best Propaganda :smiley:

Die Propaganda von beiden Seiten ist wirklich göttlich. Ich könnte stundenlang das Internet nach dem Zeug durchsuchen

hab hier auch noch ein video von R&K vom M-OEE8 was sehr die schönheit von EvE nochmals zeigt.

Falls es jemanden interessiert, eine kleine Zusammenfassung aus Goon Perspektive (leider nur auf Englisch, von SomethingAwful):

Long version follows.

First, we must lead with some history. After winning The Bloodbath of B-R5RB, we retired to relative peace. In the interim, perennial enemies of ours, Northern Coalition. and Pandemic Legion retired to rebuild their lost supercapitals and lick their wounds. CCP, in two separate game expansions, introduced Jump Fatigue and Aegis sovereignty (affectionately dubbed “fozziesov” in honor of CCP Fozzie, the man who was in charge of communicating the details of the new sovereignty system to the public.)

BACKGROUND: Jump Fatigue affects any jump drive travel; capital jumps, blackops jumps, blackops bridges, and even use of Titan bridges and Jump Bridges suffer the Curse of the Blue Mushroom. (Look at the icon in-game and you’ll get it.) Performing a jump accrues a quantity of Jump Fatigue commensurate with not only how far you travel, but how much fatigue you already possessed. The current value of Fatigue institutes a recovery timer (orange mushroom) that you must endure before you can jump again. Some hulls, like industrials and blackops battleships, enjoy a reduction, but everyone else suffers 60 minutes of fatigue for executing their first five light year jump, and must wait six minutes before jumping again. This patch also reduced Jump Freighters to a max of 10 LY per jump, blackops BS to 8 LY, and all other capitals to 5 LY. Repeated jumps make your Jump Fatigue (blue mushroom) increase geometrically, up to a cap of five days.

BACKGROUND: The Aegis release radically changed the face of sov in Eve. In fozziesov, as it is lovingly called, sovereignty is no longer contested by structure shoots. In its stead, you fit a module called an Entosis Link to a cheap, disposable ship. This module prevents you from warping or receiving remote assistance while active, and capital ships are burdened with a hefty multiplier to its cycle time. Using the entosis link on a sov structure (infrastructure hub, territory control unit, or station) eventually causes the initial reinforcement phase to complete. Once the RF is up, instead of returning to the structure to contest it, Command Node anomalies spawn throughout the constellation of the reinforced structure. These nodes must be captured in a game of Benny Hill style grab-ass by attackers or defenders in order to destroy an ihub or TCU, or freeport and then subsequently capture a station.

The new capture system has a few caveats:

The only people allowed to count as defenders in the system are the alliance who owns the structure. Everyone else counts as an attacker. This means that coalition allies can lend only limited support to defense.
All defensive structures will slowly auto-complete. This means that uncommitted attackers do not immediately endanger your stuff.
How hard nodes are to hack are dependent on strategic index (how long you’ve had sov,) military index (ratting,) and industrial index (mining.) This means ratting and mining are now directly relevant to sovereignty security. This puts absentee landlords at a disadvantage; systems that aren’t being ratted or mined are comparatively trivial to flip. These factors sum up to create a figure called the Activity Defense Multiplier, or ADM.

With this in mind, fast-forward to October 2015. One of our allies, SpaceMonkey’s Alliance (SMA) stole a fairly trivial amount of ISK from “I Want ISK” (IWI), an Eve gambling site. As a measure of revenge, IWI hired some fairly non-noteworthy lowsec-dwellers to camp SMA’s sov in the region of Fade and reduce their ADMs. This continued for some time with mixed success. However, this action, more than anything, put the chum in the water; other players became attracted to Fade. Most notable of these was Pandemic Horde. Pandemic Horde is an organization belonging to Pandemic Legion, born out of their castration of Brave Newbies Inc. following B-R5, notable for its “everyone allowed, no questions asked, no APIs required, not even from Dabigredboat’s alt named ‘awox mcshootblues.’” With their numbers bolstered by Pandemic Horde’s thousands, ADMs in Fade quickly dove off a cliff and sov began being hacked all over Fade.

This tactic continued for a number of weeks, causing rapid evolution of our military doctrines and staging systems (which eventually settled on the lowsec system Saranen in adjacent Lonetrek.) Results were mixed; a few systems were lost, but quickly reconquered. However, more than anything, the amount of chum in the water increased, drawing more and more actors into theatre. As hostile morale started to break, they began looking for alternate targets. Eventually, they settled on our eastern border and began to attack Vale of the Silent, primary home of Get Off My Lawn (LAWN) and The Bastion, with a notable single constellation held by Circle of Two (CO2). Keep that last name in mind for later.

Hostile forces began amassing a significant amount of numbers. Favors were called in; previous grudges pardoned and other hypocrisy abounded in order to cause the conglomeration of the single largest anti-Us force in the history of the game.

Here is where the lessons on jump fatigue come into play. Due to the geography of solar systems in Eve, it is very difficult to reach Vale of the Silent from anywhere else in our dominion. Abuse of lowsec systems in Black Rise and Lonetrek allowed us to cover the regions of Tribute, Deklein, Fade, and Pure Blind, but Vale of the Silent required at minimum one bridge for subcaps, and two jumps for capitals to even get to the border systems. These jumps come at the cost of a large quantity of the dread Blue Mushroom of jump fatigue. Because of this, when hostiles began to attack Vale in earnest, it quickly became apparent that a proper defense was impossible. Vale of the Silent has 118 systems, making it one of the largest single regions in nullsec. As such, ADMs in Vale of the Silent were, at the time, complete dogshit. The call was made to abandon Vale entirely and evacs began.

While goods and subcapital ships are easy to evacuate using the almighty Jump Freighter, capitals and supercapital assets are quite another. Due to the hostile activity, the prospect of moving supercapitals out of Vale was a tricky one, to put it lightly, especially with the supercapital forces of NCdot and PL recently arriving in theatre. Enter CO2 – they reached out to LAWN and Bastion, and offered their assistance to cover the evac of supercapital assets. Towers along a specific route were provided to allow supercapitals to safely wait out their Blue Mushroom fatigue plague.

On March 28th, 2016, two timers for CO2’s main staging system, M-OEE8 were due to begin; the station first, then the infrastructure hub. The station timer was defended uncontested. After the station was saved, an evac op for LAWN/Bastion supercapitals occurred. Kcolor, the FC of the move op, elected to take a different route than the one CO2 had offered due to factors that are not yet determined. (Ignorance of the offer, fatigue management, gut feeling, random chance are all potential reasons. What comes later, however, was not.) The move-op was fairly uneventful and supercarriers were safely moved to Saranen. However, the circumstances of the move-op were unusual; NCdot had their entire supercapital force online, in range of the path the supercapitals took to Saranen. Yet, they didn’t engage. We’ll come back to this later as well.

Time passes and the IHUB timer comes due. In one of the largest Time Dilation tarpits in months, 3000 people were press-ganged into the constellation housing M-OEE8. While the M-O node was reinforced, the neighboring systems were not, and as the fight spilled into those systems, the server promptly began shitting itself. However, not only were hostiles losing ground on the capture of the sovereignty contest, but NCdot and now PL once again had their supercapital fleets online. This is unusual because of fozziesov; supercapitals cannot meaningfully contest command nodes due to their cycle time penalty and their inability to meaningfully interdict typical entosis link ships. As the fight raged on, more curiosities emerge; PL drops triage carriers with entosis links fitted to contest nodes, despite the capital penalty to them. High profile members of the hostile community are doing the scutwork of contesting nodes. Hostiles are making almost no progress on the actual contest, despite outnumbering us 3 to 1. Nothing about the fight makes sense. Then, a metaphorical cyno beacon is lit on Reddit’s Eve subforum: CO2 To Reset The Imperium. CO2 performs a classic backstab in the middle of the conflict, and CO2 defense hackers quickly abandon their nodes, allowing their own IHUB to fall.

As the dust settles, we begin to piece the situation together.

CO2 approached LAWN and Bastion, offering them a highway to evac their supers. We find out later that CO2 allegedly seeded the safe towers offered with logged-off interdictors. CO2 also suggested that LAWN and Bastion stage in the system of TVN, which is notable for being a complete deadzone in terms of capital geography. Any forces staged there not only would be vulnerable to bubble-supported hellcamps, but would be completely unreachable from neighboring lowsec. Due to kcolor’s serendipitous decision to avoid CO2’s route, the LAWN/Bastion supers do not use dictor-seeded towers, and evade the eyes of potential hostile scouts along their cobbled-together route. In effect, kcolor affected the Eve equivalent of the Miracle of Dunkirk by extracting supers from what should have been a complete shitshow and out from under the notice of NCdot supers, which have been logged on and in range since the station timer.

The decision to contest the IHUB rather than the station is also strange. M-OEE8 is CO2’s primary staging system; freeporting it leaves their assets extremely vulnerable. Conversely, M-OEE8 is CO2’s designated Capital System, and any such system enjoys 33% of the maximum ADM handed to it for free. Destroying the IHUB in this system only has a moderate effect on its defensibility as a result; mining and ratting contributions to the system’s ADM were nil. Yet, more than 60 alliances showed up to M-O’s theatre to contest one of the least important timers in the war.

The choice of tactics for the IHUB contest were also strange. Dogpiling 3000 people into one unreinforced system is a poor tactic for winning a sovereignty contest; nodes spawn in systems across the constellation battlespace and creating a gigantic fuckfest from which no one can escape is stupid, at best. This also makes their triage capitals a poor choice for hackers; one such triage carrier was rapidly evaporated by the 125 man machariel fleet that skirted along the edges of the Time Dilation tarpit while any potential support was stuck therein. Supercapitals from NCdot remained logged in, and were joined in being logged in by PL’s supercap fleet. Supercapitals can only provide limited support to a node contest, and shoving them into the tarpit would have been extremely risky, with node death already occurring.

CO2, for whatever motivation they had to execute a backstab, chose a very strange time to do it. Positive progress on the node contest had been made; constellation control swung up as high as 70% before the backstab was made public.

After we fit all the pieces together, we come to a horrifying conclusion: the events of March 28th, 2016 were designed to ensnare our entire supercapital fleet and murder it, satisfying vengeance for our victory of B-R5RB. CO2’s suggestion to restage LAWN/Bastion to TVN would have made their ability to contribute to their own defense hampered. CO2’s evac route towers were seeded with interdictors. The plan of the hostiles was simple: tackle LAWN/Bastion supers along CO2’s route, to bait a response from our supercapitals, including support from CO2. Once we bit on the bait, CO2 would log in dictors, bubble our fleet, switch sides, and slaughter our supercapital forces along with NCdot and PL. However, this tactic did not come to pass; the Miracle of Dunkirkkcolor, and an IRL meeting by Dear Leader The Mittani with LAWN/Bastion leadership in San Diego, on what was a completely unrelated social call convinced them to reject the TVN staging plan in favor of ceding Vale and evaccing their members to Saranen along a route counter to CO2’s suggestion. The cost of this betrayal could have been much, much worse – not only would we be down one region, but we’d have no supercapital fleet. The strange peacocking behavior in the M-O IHUB fight was an attempt to salvage the earlier lost opportunity; again, we failed to bite on the bait.

This brings us to today. Even now, as of this writing, hostiles are rallying to strike into our remaining Tribute holdings and increase pressure in our inner holdings. We are on the back foot and shit hasn’t been this real since Darius JOHNSON called for the abandonment of the southeast to strike Band of Brothers in Delve. I, Querns, author of this post, have stood up once more to be counted amongst the defenders. Won’t you join me?

Ich habe selbst von 2005 bis 2012 EVE gespielt und solche Berichte haben mich am Anfang überhaupt erst dazu gebracht, mir einen Account zuzulegen. Natürlich wird immer versucht, den eigenen Spin in solche Berichte einzubauen. Das gehört für mich aber absolut dazu und ohne würde die ganze Sache viel weniger Spaß machen :smiley:

Angeregt durch Jens Präsentation von EVE Online, wollte ich mich erkundigen wie es in der Community aussieht mit einer EVE Online Corp oder ähnlichem. Vielleicht könnte man sich verbünden und somit den Einstieg in das komplexe Spiel für alle erleichtern, vorallem, wenn ein paar erfahrenere Spieler aushelfen können. War sehr begeistert von der Idee und mich würde eure Meinung dazu interessieren.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Ich finde das Spiel megainteressant aber ich weiss genau dass ich die komplexe Einstiegsphase nicht durchhalten werde…mal davon abgesehen dass ich kein PC-Spieler bin.
Aber ansich ne gute Idee!

1 „Gefällt mir“

Ich hab ansich mega Bock auf EVE. Nur kann ich mich derzeitig noch nicht dazu durchringen monatlich dafür Geld auszugeben.
Die 14 Tage kostenloses Antesten werde ich mir aber demnächst auf jeden Fall geben.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Habe deinen Thread mal in den Eve-Thread verschoben. :slight_smile:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Also ich würde gern mit EVE anfangen. Möchte aber gern 1-2 Leute voher kennen, die EVE aktiv zocken und kein Problem haben, ein Anfänger durch das Spiel zu peitschen :stuck_out_tongue:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Ja, das ist definitiv eine gute Idee! Müsste man nur noch 2 erfahrene Spieler auftreiben.

Interessene hätte ich auch, noch nie gespielt. War nicht mal was geplant @Jens ? Vlt. werden wir mit RBTV die neue größte Fraktion :smile:

Nach der E3, werden wir mal ein wenig EVE-Spielen, versprochen.

Hier könnt ihr gerne schon einmal rein schauen:


Buddy Key damit ich tolle Schiff Skins kriege :stuck_out_tongue:


1 „Gefällt mir“

Wäre dabei, hab nun auch schon ewig nicht mehr aktiv gezockt aber bin seit 2014 dabei. :slight_smile:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Also ich nehm Jens Buddy-Ding an. :smiley:

Bin dann auch dabei! Würd nur gern mit allen hier absprechen, wann jeder vorhat EVE zu zocken. Würd das gern bisschen abstimmen, damit ich in den 21 Tagen nicht allein in den weiten des All´s rumdriften muss. xD

Wie gesagt würd ich mich freuen, wenn sich jemand finden lässt, der hin und wieder ein Anfänger unter die Arme greift oder anderer die neu sind, dann kann man sich gegenseitig auch helfen. :slight_smile: