Kino+ bittet mal wieder um Eure Mithilfe... und Weihnachtsstories

Hallo Freunde,

ich hab mal wieder eine kleine Bitte an Euch. Ich führe am Freitag ein Interview mit Mark Wahlberg, Will Ferrell, John Lithgow und Mel Gibson. Zu diesem Zweck brauche ich echte und falsche Weihnachtsstories. Die dürfen schön, schräg, absurd, ärgerlich, katastrophal oder rührend sein. Die einzige Bedingung: sie müssen auch kurz sein. Ich muss sie zum einen ins Englische übersetzen und zum anderen den vier Leuten gleichzeitig vortragen, so dass sie raten müssen, welche Geschichte echt und welche nicht ist.

Es wäre toll, wenn Ihr mir mit ein paar schöne Anekdoten weiterhelfen könntet.

Besten Dank


25 „Gefällt mir“

Soll man die nicht lieber gleich auf englisch schreiben, wenn man kann?

Kannst Du auch sehr gerne machen, erleichtert mir die Sache ungemein.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Einfach hier posten, oder an eine spezielle Adresse?

One Christmas evening when I was about 10 or so, the whole family went to church but I was promised we would be back at 8pm so I could watch Princess Mononoke which ran at 8:15.
During Church I found out that the priest planned to do a communion after the normal church service which meant I would not be home on time.
When the normal church service had ended I just stood up and walked out of the church, much to the surprise of the priest and the anger of my parents.
But I got to watch Princess Mononoke.

Komplett Echte geschichte,
Klar gibts noch ein paar details etc aber dann wäre sie dreimal so lang, deswegen die kurzfassung

6 „Gefällt mir“

war jetzt zwar der 4. Advent aber denke das zählt auch:

"Miracle on 34th Street "was on TV, in a commercial break i went to the kitchen to grab a Snack. When i was looking at the back part of the house, I saw that it was raining inside. This part of the house has a flat roof and the weather was quite rainy the past weeks. So due to a lot of rain and a hole in the protection cover, the water found the way inside.
I went to my parents and said „It’s raining“ „Yeah we know, it did so the whole week“ „No it rains in the house“, well they were really amused. It was a really long night, we tried to safe everything that wasn’t wet yet and get as much water outside as possible.

So evertime „Miracle on 34th Street“ is playing, we hope that it doesn’t rain indoors at home.

Auflösung: Ist wirklich passiert und mittlerweile nimmt es auch meine Mutter mit Humor, das Wunder von Manhatten findet sie aber nicht mehr so toll :beanjoy:

3 „Gefällt mir“

Ich habe damals auch auf Heilig Abend Prinzessin Mononoke geguckt :smiley: (dürfte demnach wahr sein ;P)

Christmas evening 2014 – I insisted on having a roast duck for dinner that year, so my family gave in and we actually had one, or rather ME, since my whole family only consists of vegans, except for me. As we got ready to eat, we noticed, that there was literally nothing in our house effective enough to cut through the bird’s bones ( Like I said: Vegan household ) , so my dad had to take a hedge clipper and tried to get the job done. He cut off his left middle finger while doing so, we drove to the hospital – Dinner got cold that night.

Auflösung: Nicht wahr. Alles bis zum abgetrennten Finger jedoch schon.

1 „Gefällt mir“

@Angrist @anon20399115
Kann es sein, dass bei euch noch der Hinweis fehlt, ob echt oder erfunden? Die Info braucht @LeSchroeck doch bestimmt zur Auflösung? Die Stars werden sicher nicht hier reingucken.

Das weißt du nicht :open_mouth:

2 „Gefällt mir“

Every christmas after church me and my family take a longer than necessary drive back home around town to count lit up christmas trees in people’s windows,just a silly tradition that developed during my childhood to keep us children occupied. One family in particular attracted our attention over the years because they always sang songs standing around their christmas tree. Once they saw our car and waved towards us and since then it’s our happy tradition to wave towards each other on christmas. I don’t want to imagine a christmas eve without this uncommon double-family tradition.

Ist leider eine Lüge, die Familie weiß nix von ihrem Glück und hat noch nie zurück gewunken :smiley: Aber der Rest stimmt. Hoffe du kannst was damit anfangen und sie ist nicht zu lang, @LeSchroeck :slight_smile:

5 „Gefällt mir“

On christmas eve my father and I went to a greyhound racing track in hopes to win some money. My father betted on a dog named Rickon because he thought this might be a sign (he is a huge Game of Thrones Fan). However, the greyhound finished last. We wanted to leave but then we saw the dog’s owner abandoned him for losing the race. I begged my father to keep him as pet and after all the years he is still a member of our family.

Fake, Anspielung auf welche Serie?

Hab an Weihnachten beim aufräumen, das Geschenk meines Mannes für seine Freundin gefunden. Das hab ich vor seinen Augen zerstört und aus dem Fenster geschmissen :sunglasses: Er ist jetzt NICHT mehr mein Mann :sunglasses:
True Story!

3 „Gefällt mir“

woher wusstest das es kein Geschenk für dich war?

Irgendwas was du absolut hasst?

Naja… die Aussage, dass das an „Für Verena meinen Liebsten Engel“ auf dem Geschenkanhänger stand, war für mich Beweis genug :joy:

4 „Gefällt mir“

Each Christmas, me and my family would traditionally visit my grandparents’ house, which is located in a quite conservative, catholic area in the german counryside, for lunch. A few years ago, when we came by for lunch and stepped into my grandparents’ living room, we found my grandma kneeling infront of the TV with her hands folded for prayer, because the pope was giving his Christmas speech and it was broadcast on television. My grandma actually prayed to the TV.

Ist wirklich passiert, liebe Grüße aus der erzkatholischen Oberpfalz :smiley:

Once upon a time… almost 15 years ago… my family and I spent the Christmas holidays at a holiday park. On Dec 24th - we were getting everything ready for our fondue dinner - it rang at the door. We were all pretty flabbergasted because we weren’t expecting anybody. When my brother opened the door who was standing there? It was Santa!!! „It’s Santa!!! Come on in“ but Santa was just looking a bit confused. He took a little peek inside and finally said „Oh, I must be at the wrong place!“ and he left…

Speechless, my brothers and I were looking at each other and we just had to laugh. We were lucky that there were no kids around, that would have killed Christmas for us, but we still laugh about the memory from back then :wink:

(I guess a family in another house had booked Santa for their kids and Rudolph took the wrong exit :wink: )

3 „Gefällt mir“

Ich hab Weihnachten schon zwei mal komplett verschlafen einmal wegen final fantasy 8 und einmal wegen wow :sweat_smile:

Story vom 6. Advent aber vielleicht ja trotzdem hilfreich.
When my mother was a child, she used to life in a small village with some old traditions.
When kids werent behaving the way they should,they did not only risk no presents on Christmas, but also the visit of the (Bad?) santa Knecht Ruprecht.So in the night of the 6th december, a guy dressed as Knecht Ruprecht enters the room of the children ,grabs my oncel and throws him into his bag. My oncel was prepared so he had a knife with him and could cut through the back so that he could flee. The news about his escape spreaded very fast amoung the kids. So even on Christmaseve every children in this village went to bed with a knife so they could sleep peacefully :slight_smile: even if behaving poorly.