achso, blöd. Hatte gehofft, sie laufen auf nem eigenen Root
Wollte gerade selbst nochmal spielen und musste feststellen, dass G-Portal leider noch nicht das Update hochgeladen hat
So, neues Update ist installiert, hier der Changelog von
[COLOGNE 2016]
– Shipped in-game assets that are unlocked via the Series 2 Collectible Pins that will be available to attendees of ESL One Cologne 2016.
– Added new option “Fetch Event Data” to logic_eventlistener entity. If set, a new “event_data” field will be created in the eventlistener’s ScriptScope containing information about the event.
– Resurrected the convar mp_spec_swapplayersides.
Ich für meinen Teil schaue jeden Tag auf die Server. Leider finde ich nie jemanden der dann spielt -.-
Auch wäre es cool, wenn man mal MM zusammen spielen könnte
Wird mal wieder Zeit für ein CS:GO-Update (ist natürlich schon auf den Servern):
[ Operation Wildfire ]
– Operation Wildfire has come to a close.
– The Operation Wildfire case is available for all players.
[ Misc ]
– Added ESL One Cologne 2016 tournament finalists and champions to the Major Trophy.
[ Sound ]
– Increased fidelity for Bizon, Mac10 and UMP45 weapons.
– Unique reload and draw sounds for Bizon, Mac10 and UMP45 weapons.
– New sound for C4 disarm start and disarm finish, more in line with C4 plant sounds.
– New sound for empty magazine impacting with ground.
– Lowered volume of low ammo sound and added unique sound.
– Lowered volume of smoke grenade tail.
[ Maps ]
– Cache
— Added graffiti to commemorate ESL One Cologne 2016.
[ Mac/Linux ]
– Fixed maps that use Squirrel scripting, including the Weapons Course map.
– Fixed a Linux memory leak.
Also ich würde auch noch mitmachen falls sich was ergibt. Rank: Supreme/Global
So, wird wieder Zeit für ein neues Update:
– New accuracy recovery method and new recovery rates for the M4A1-S, M4A4, and AK-47. See details HERE.
– Increased fidelity of firing sounds for P250, Five-Seven, Tec-9, CZ75-Auto, and Dual Berettas.
– Added unique reload and distant sounds for P250, Five-Seven, Tec-9, and Dual Berettas.
– Added defusekit player state to game state integration support.
– cl_weapon_debug_print_accuracy 2 is now a tab delimited formatted output of information.
– Fix a bug that rarely caused a player to be on the wrong team in competitive mode.
– Fix a bug that allowed players to spawn in unexpected (invalid) locations on various maps.
– Added logic to prevent airstalling (where a player appears to float in midair by disrupting their network stream).
– Added sv_clamp_unsafe_velocities convar (default: 1) that community servers can disable to support surfing, etc.
– Misc security improvements.
– Modified report and commend GC logic to clearly signal failure in the case of spoofed reports.
nice 128 Tick server du machst das ja jetzt schon besser als Valve Keepo heute gleich mal austesten
Edit: Spielen da eigentlich noch welche drauf? Da der Thread schon älter ist, dachte ich frage mal
Leider ist der Server nicht gerade gut besucht, darum versuche ich den aktuell durch die Updateposts ein bisschen zu pushen
Wenn man vom Teufel spricht, neues Update für Counter Strike:
– Weapon recoil now resets on reload
– Players should no longer accidentally run into server DOS protections.
Wer kommt bei Valve auf die Idee, das CS:GO-Update während der gamescom zu veröffentlichen? Jedenfalls sorry für die lange Wartezeit, das Update ist nun auf allen Servern online:
Release Notes for 8/18/2016
18 AUG 2016 -
– Added the Gamma 2 Case.
– Added official game servers in Peru.
– Player xray glow now dims when player is not making any audible sound. Several convars are available to tweak this behavior; “find spec_glow” for a list.
– Restored availability of cl_avatar_convert_rgb command used by tournament organizers.
– Fix a bug where some users would have a bad mem_level set which would cause poor performance.
– Increased fidelity and reduced distortion for fire sounds of the Glock, HKP2000, USP-S and Deagle.
– Unique distant, reload and draw sounds for Glock, HKP2000, USP-S and Deagle
ist auf dem Server inzwischen was los?
Habe bisschen mit GO angefangen und suche nette freshe Dudes zum zocken (Matchmaking sobald ich die 10 Matches voll habe. CS ist mir nicht unbekannt, nur GO, habe mit 1.5 damals angefangen, dann 1.6, dann Suuuurce und dann nix mehr). Addet mich einfach, falls ihr Bock habt => donjuan10071991.
Vielleicht lässt sich ja mal was auf dem Server organisieren. Wäre toll, mal ohne Russen und mit Deutschen zuspielen.
Moin, wenn seitens der Beans vielleicht über Ranked wieder auf dem Server gespielt wird, ist bestimmt wieder was los aber aktuell ist nicht sonderlich viel los
Man kann ja mal zu Trainigszwecken drauf joinen und dir so ein paar Basics zeigen. Denn an einem Match direkt gegen 5 Spieler (mit Pech) im höheren Ranking (DMG +) wirst du sicher nicht viel Freude haben . Es ist nunmal kein CoD sonst ein reines Skill-Game. Bin zur Zeit auch nur LE-LEM (mal auch DMG) geht immer hin und her, aber ich denke das reicht um Leuten das spiel etwas beizubringen und coachen. ( wenn du noch 4 weitere Anfänger findest wäre es natürlich am Besten)
LG Stalk3r
Die Basics habe ich drauf
Nur die Umgewöhnung von 1.6 / GO ist krass.
Ich kenne ja den durchschnittlichen Skill in GO nicht, aber was Leute so im „Gelegenheitsspiel“ darbieten ist (teilweise) sehr peinlich und verdirbt einem schnell die Laune.
Da gefällt mir die sich noch haltende hart gesottene 1.6 Community um ehrlich zu sein besser, zumal dort 90% der Leute Plan von CS haben.
Schnapp dir am besten vier Kollegen, die auch Bock auf CS:GO haben und startet ein Matchmaking, das ist ein ganz anderes Niveau als Casual
Ja schön wärs, nur bin ich der einzige, der A: CS spielt und B: auch halbwegs kann :P.
Darum frage ich ja weiter oben nach Mitstreitern :).
Wird Zeit für ein Update:
Release Notes for 9/16/2016
16 SEP 2016 -
– The first-person camera of players, spectators, and demo-viewers is no longer allowed to rise higher than their third-person head. This should prevent first-person players from being able to see from perspectives where their third-person head is not also exposed.
– When a player’s first-person camera is adjusted, bullets fired from both their client and server-side locations are also adjusted to emit from the corrected position.
– If for any reason the third-person player animation lowers a player’s head beneath the client’s first-person camera, the client’s first-person camera is lowered to stay at or under the height of their third-person head. This means that the third-person motion of the player is now represented more accurately from the first-person perspective.
– Third-person landing recovery animations are now weighted based on altitude traversed and duration in-air. Players landing from small jumps or falling from lesser heights will play more subtle landing animations.
– The anti-crouch-spam system has been changed to use degrading speed, instead of logging keypress-count. As before, the more often players crouch, the slower they will rise or lower. But this should now prevent bugs where players would instantly stand, or lose their crouch-spam penalty by moving a tiny amount. If players crouch even more, eventually they will just stay standing up.
– First-person and third-person crouch speed is now more closely related. The third-person player lowers more quickly to match the first-person representation.
– Players landing in crouch positions play a more subtle landing animation that raises their third-person head less noticeably.
– Molotovs are no longer extinguished by smokes that are significantly below them, so now it is possible to smoke inside hut on Nuke and throw a molotov on top of hut, or smoke under palace balcony on Mirage and throw a molotov on balcony floor.
– Molotovs are no longer extinguished by smokes that are above the fire height.
– Molotovs no longer spread under closed doors.
– Smoke grenades no longer get stuck in player clips when they extinguish flames upon bouncing off a wall.
– Increased fidelity and reduced distortion for fire sounds for AWP, SSG 08, G3SG1 and SCAR-20.
– Added unique reload, distant and draw sounds for SSG 08, G3SG1 and SCAR-20.
– Gunshot tails for AWP, SSG 08, G3SG1 and SCAR-20 no longer remain at the position they were fired, and instead more accurately spread over the environment.
– Latest version of de_cache, minor bug fixes.
– Lag compensation system will now reliably restore pose parameters responsible for animation layering which makes server-side hitboxes for lag compensated players better match client-side rendered models. (Thanks, /u/Spurks)
– Fixed a bug where player body pitch could improperly rotate the entire player entity inside lag compensation processing.
Komisch aber wahr: Die Update-Zeit ist wieder da! Tja, bye bye Doublejump dafür hallo höhere Datenrate für Spieler mit besserem Internet:
Release Notes for 9/21/2016
21 SEP 2016 -
– Allowing wider range for network channel bandwidth rate setting representing allowed game traffic to client:
— Increased default rate to 196608 which will accommodate users with internet connections of 1.5 Mbps or better.
— Players can increase their rate setting up to 786432 to represent 6 Mbps surge bandwidth allowed, but must be aware that requesting high surge bandwidth may cause packet loss if their ISP or network hardware drops packets at a high surge rate.
– Flying smoke grenades no longer have a half-second restriction after a bounce before subsequent bounce can extinguish a molotov.
– Smoke grenades bouncing off a surface not directly on fire will not extinguish a molotov.
– Smoke grenades can no longer stick under a hot surface to extinguish a molotov.
– Smoke can still extinguish fires in a smoke volume even if the emitting smoke grenade rests behind an obstacle.
– Fixed a bug where players could double crouch jump higher than designed height.
– Fixed a bug where players would not be able to uncrouch in the air.
Hey, hat schon jemand Erfahrungen mit den neuen Rates gemacht? Beeinflusst das den Ping? Hab auf den MM Servern immer nen 50er + Ping. Teilweise merkt man das schon krass