René und Marco feiern 24h Ostern! - 19.04.19-20.04.19

meine damit den Entwickler typ :smiley:

Dauert das Telefonat länger als das LP?

Dann müssten sie noch 2 Stunden reden :grin:

Ich glaub einfach nicht, was hier gerade passiert

Ich finde das Telefonat irgendwie niedlich. ^^

4 „Gefällt mir“

Hab den fanfiction generator noch mal angeworfen. Diesmal ohne sex :smiley:


A/N: The following story is a sequel to

„The Swansong of Reed and Absitzen“

You should be able to understand this story without reading that one, but for the full character arcs and to get all the references you should read both.
We now turn out headlights to full beam in order to gaze forward though the mists of time.
The light from them reflects off, not a deer, but a scene 10 years from now - 1 decade into the future.

Absitzen enters the scene, but whats this? Marco is there too.

„Do you remember that thing that happened 10 years ago? The one that seemed like it would split us apart forever, but instead brought us closer then ever? That brought us…to each-other?“

„The time with the Blognesepizza?“
„Oh, yes right“

„Its hard to believe what happened isn’t it? What happened and what it led to“
„Yes my sweetness“ said Marco, giving Absitzen a kiss.
„Now that I have remembered it again I will never forget it.“
"It was pretty life changing.

So we now dim our headlights and reverse drive back to the presence, the mists closing back around the future and the camera of our mind drawing back to the world we know of as the now.
Marco woke up bloodsoaked one summer sunday…

Meanwhile, back in the future, Absitzen and Marco were enjoying each-other.
As the narrator, I will respect their privacy and not specify how. Its certainly clear they were close.
Not just metaphorically but physically with their bodies as well.

Marco was distracted though, thinking back to the past. We join him on his flashback, a flashback to our story in the present…

Marah felt really dperessed one day.She had been slitting her wrists even more then normal. She had just found out that she was adopted. Her real parents turned out to be nobels from Europe. They had a upper class mansion and were mighty richt! But she had none of that richness around. It made her feel pretty bad about herself so she listened to some good music.

But long she did not have to be depressed as Marco came in and held her hand (they had falled in love at the end of the story see). And he said: „I love oyu so much, it hurts. What is wrong with you? If you feel bad then I feel bad.“
So Marah told him the whole story. He was shocked to hear this and said „I’m really shocked to hear this! Your parents are monsters!“
„Which ones?“
„All four of them, I don’t like them. As much as I don’t like Donnie!“
And that was a lot because Marah knew that Marco hated Donnie because she was unbelievably stupid and fat.
But Marco took out a letter, „this had just arrived,“ said Marco.
Marah openend the envolupe and inside was an invitation:
„Most Esteemed Marah said the message“
„You are condord invited to the royal ball of your parents. Your real parents, miss.“
„We hope to see you soon. Most esteamly yours, dutchess!“

Oh my, said Marah this is rad!. But Marco was a little sceptic: „Maybe it’s a trick.“
„Why?“ said Marah
„Because there are… rumours. Of Absitzen still being around!“
„Surely he could not come all the way to Europe!?“ said Marah confidently because she didn’t think that Absitzen could travel that far.
„Hurm,“ said Marco contagiously, „we just have to be careful.“
„Hold on,“ exlciamed Marah, there is something else in the invitation!
„Princess Marah, hereby we also bestow upon you the keys to the cage of a flying unicorn your parents have provided you with. Also, whenever you hold this key in your hand, your powers are increased“
Marah was really happy with that but also felt a little bad for Marco. After they had a relaction ship, Marco had taught her his Nasenkopfhörer and she picked it up really well! She was now even better at Marco at the Nasenkopfhörer!

So they went and picked up the flying unicorn. It was really quick and agile and flew around them like it really enjoyed itself! It took a moment but with enough training and perversion, Marah trained it to her will! Now they could go and visit their parents!

But little did they know that the invitation was not from Marah’s european nobel parents, but from Donnie instead! And she had teamed up with Absitzen!

So Marco got onto his hoverlimmo. The others followed on their white horse but were quite far behind.
Marco knew he had to go faster and faster like the speed of sound. So he raced down streets and around cornors, skiding furiously around pedestrions and cops.
„No time for rules!“ he called out as he passed.
„I have to take my full responsibilities of life!“ he said.
Suddenly up ahead he saw some bad guys!
So he did a massive wheely backflip over them, headbutting them as he was above them.
„Eat my fist!“ Marco yelled as he slapped them. 'Their heads went flying off,spraying guts everywhere.
He speed onwards past fields and villages and cities and towers and other landscape.
Then he saw the roadsign to where he had to go, and so he went. He whacked some more bad guys out with a sideways 360 spin, before leaping off the bike. 'Their blood sprayed around like a spirograph '.
Later, when the others catched up, they continued their journey.

And now, with that, we once again turn our headbrains to the future, stepping forward down the road of time and walking for 10 years until we get to the place in time which this takes place.

Absitzen and Marco were just finishing. Out of respect for their privacy I will not specify what they were just finishing.

"arg…that was good " said Marco.
„yes, yes it was“ said Absitzen.
„You seemed a little distracted near the end though. Not your normal energetic self“
„yes…sorry about that. I was thinking back to a decade ago, when I first realized my feelings for you even though I didn’t know it at the time.
Its what opened my eyes to what I felt all along. The missing jigsaw piece to my heart in which you were the key to unlock“

„And our love grew together from that moment to blossom into the great tree that it is today“

„I love you Absitzen my irresistibleness“.
"I love you too Marco -my better half.

And they smiled the smile of lovers at each-other, as we fade out into the sunset.
So they snuck into the Absitzen’s lair. It was dark and there were horrofic things on the walls like drawings of skulls and suffering people who were beaing tortured in lava and beaten with hot pipes.
Through the dark and dank corridors of the lair’s dungeons they went with outmost silence and skill. They sneaked past all the guards who had been turned into horrible demons by Absitzen’s new invention. And this would also happen to the whole world if they wouldn’t be able to steal the Blognesepizza from Absitzen’s hands!
They went down the corridors and up the large majestic stairways made of bones and jewls of all shapes and sizes sprinkled with saffron… One of the corridors led towards a great hall where in the middle of the hall stood a pedestaldripping in blood with a treassure chest on top and on that a red velvet pillow upon which laid a white silk finely woven cloth. And on that laid the Blognesepizza.

Marco knew that he had to use all of the Nasenkopfhörer to get the Blognesepizza but it would backfire if he wasn’t careful enough. Marah inhaled firmly and wondered if Marco could pull it off. Florentin stood ready with his weapon in his hand . Marco concentrated firmly and then carefully but powerfully unleashed his Nasenkopfhörer.

It worked! The shielding around the Blognesepizza fell away like icecream in a microwave. It was amazing how Marco welding Nasenkopfhörer was effective against Absitzen’s indomitable powers.
Unfortunately for our braveprotagonists, it wasn’t enough

„Halt!“ said a booming voice. Everyone slowly spun around to face the entrance of the hall where the voice came from.
It was Absitzen! And he looked even less humane as before. He had used the power of the Blognesepizza to transform into a indiscernible mistake of a humanoid.
„Ha! Are you surprised by my new looks?“ he said. „It is amazing! The powers I have now are beyond your comprehension!“
„My comprehension is really good,“ retorted Marco and Marco’s friends looked proud.
„Hahaha of course yours is. But are you able to comprehend the future of this world? I bet you aren’t that smart after all. I will rule the world now, you see and there is nothing you can do to stop me!“
„But,“ said Absitzen with a lower tone, „even though you are not as smart as I am, you are surprisingly capable so I wish to make this offer: join me and we can rule this world together!“
„Heck no“ screamed Marco!
„Think about it, Marco, you can now still save your friends! Make them stop mutate ebefore I release my powers!“
Marco was now tembling. He wanted to keep Marah, Rene, Donnie and Florentin alive but he could not get Absitzen get away with it! But then he remembered: Absitzen no longer had the Blognesepizza! He was powerless!
But as if Absitzen could read his mind, Absitzen spoke: „Oh and your scheme to steal the Blognesepizza? I no longer need it! I have gained all the power from it that I need in order to mutate everyone in the whole world! But not that you even considered going against me, I will destroy you. Such a shame, we could be such good…friends.“
„Marco would never be friends with you!“ said Donnie

„It is too late now anyway, said Absitzen, my plan is active now and I will give you the best place to enjoy it: from your prison cell!“
Absitzen laughed and said to his guards: "lead them to my dungeon where you will suffer for all eternity in agony .

But Marco had not forgotten his Nasenkopfhörer. With the stealth and strenght that he learned from his previous adventures, he breathed in and unleashed the Nasenkopfhörer.
Absitzen had not expected that. He thought he had trapped Marco and his friends and managed to demoralise them so much they would not resist.
„Arggg!“ Absitzen said. His guards did not know what to do. Their leader was too weak against this onslaught. What could they do against that sort of might? So they all fled!
„Argh, noooo!“ Absitzen extrapolated, „I was soo close to ultimate power!“
Seeing Marco succesfully attack Absitzen, Donnie and Rene also attacked Absitzen!

„Arigh, no, noooo!“
„I will unleash my final power!“ Absitzen said and raised his arms to the sky and started chanting an evil curse.
But Marco was too quick. He ran towards Absitzen and hit Absitzen in the head. He was knocked out instantly. Everyone was happy and everyone was cheering for Marco who had avoided the apocalypse! And now they all went home and wait until their next adventure!

2 „Gefällt mir“


JUnge bitte nutze blockspoiler :smiley:

Kannst du das einklappbar machen?

Vermitztelt René jetzt auch noch Jobs?! Was ist hier grad los?! :rofl:

Der denkt sich bestimmt geil Werbung für uns.

1 „Gefällt mir“

schon n nicer dude ^^

2 „Gefällt mir“

Das ist ja großartig. :+1:

7 „Gefällt mir“

F an den Dude!

6 „Gefällt mir“

Es wird einfach immer krasser :smiley:

Joachim Eins Ehrenmann

1 „Gefällt mir“

Caipirinha Games hat nur 14 Follower auf Twitter, wie wäre es mit einem Push?

10 „Gefällt mir“

verdammt Sympatischer Typ :smiley:

hätte ich nicht erwartet.

3 „Gefällt mir“

Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass das grad wirklich passiert ist :sweat_smile:

4 „Gefällt mir“

Er hat auch das Spiel selbst vertont scheints

@MarcoMeh Hier das neuste Lissy Spiel, was rausgekommen ist. :simonhahaa:

14 „Gefällt mir“