Aber das ist doch das Problem. Er hat niemand gezwungen. Durch seine Position und sein Standing als bekannter Schreiber und Produzent hat er zumindest eine gewisse Macht in der Szene und so auch über die Damen. Ein x-beliebiger Assistent aus einer Show hätte diese nun nicht gehabt.
Wenn man die Kommentare der Frauen so liest, waren alle perplex und niemand wusste wie man nun darauf reagiert. War das überhaupt kriminelle oder illegal? Auch die Personen, denen sie es danach erzählt hatten.
Es ist natürlich einfach, wenn man einen Manager hat, der auch Macht besitzt und solche Vorfälle verschwinden lässt. Kann der Mr. Becky dann zwar auch verneinen, dass es Drohungen gab… aber nun ja, über all die Vorfälle wurde auch offiziell 15 Jahre geschwiegen.
Soon after, they said they understood from their managers that Mr. Becky, Louis C.K’s manager, wanted them to stop telling people about their encounter with Louis C.K. Lee Kernis, one of the women’s managers at the time, confirmed on Thursday that he had a conversation in which he told Mr. Becky that Louis C.K.’s behavior toward the women had been offensive. Mr. Kernis also said that Mr. Becky was upset that the women were talking openly about the incident.
Mr. Becky denied making any threats toward the women. “I don’t recall the exact specifics of the conversation, but know I never threatened anyone,” he wrote by email on Thursday. Ms. Halpern and Robert Schroeder — Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov’s agent at the time — said that the pair told them that they felt they had been warned to stop talking.
Mr. Becky arguably wields even more power in comedy than Louis C.K. He represents Kevin Hart, Aziz Ansari, Amy Poehler and other top performers, and his company, 3 Arts, puts together programming deals for nearly every platform.
Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov moved to Los Angeles shortly after the Aspen festival, but “we were coming here with a bunch of enemies,” Ms. Goodman said. Gren Wells, a filmmaker who befriended the comedy duo in 2002, said the incident and the warning, which they told her about soon after Aspen, hung heavily over them both. “This is something that they were freaked out about,” Ms. Wells said.
In the years since, Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov have found some success, but they remained concerned about Mr. Becky and took themselves out of the running for the many projects he was involved in. Though their humor is in line with what he produces, “we know immediately that we can never even submit our material,” Ms. Wolov said.