Möchte hier nochmal anmerken, da hier viel mit Biologie herum geworfen wird.
Es gibt eine Studie (wenn ich sie finde, verlinke ich sie) die zeigt das nicht nur die Mutter „jung“ sein sollte um KInder zu gebären, sondern auch das Alter des Mannes eine entscheidenene Rolle spielt.
Früher hieß es also: Ab 35 ist die Chance höher ein beeinträchtigtes Kind zu gebären. Dies galt nur für Frauen. Macht also gar keinen Sinn mehr damit zu argumentieren.
Man kann auch einfach aufhören um das Thema herum zu tanzen und es einfach benennen wie es ist:
Junge Frauen sind wesentlich einfacher zu groomen. Und wie ich bereits oben erwähnt hatte, gibt es ebenfalls Begriffe dafür wenn man auf sehr, sehr junge Frauen steht. shrug
" n a 2015 meta-analysis study, using data from 90 studies, male age was associated with a decrease in semen volume, a decrease in total sperm count, a decrease in motility and a decrease in the percentage of normal sperm morphology.
Older fathers are also associated with negative effects on the child. Older men can accumulate damage and mutations in sperm DNA that may result in increased risks of unsuccessful or abnormal pregnancies, because of fertilisation with damaged sperm. The offspring of older fathers show high prevalence of genetic abnormalities, childhood cancers and several neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism, psychosis and bipolar disorders.
In a recent study in the BMJ men aged 45 years or older had increased odds of fathering infants born premature, of low birth weight, and with a low Apgar score – a score used to test the health of a newborn – compared with their younger counterparts. On top of this, the offspring of fathers older than 55 were more likely to require assisted ventilation and admission to a neonatal intensive care unit.
Women’s fertility window is, on average, much shorter than the years men are able to produce sperm. But the negative effect of older age on fertility in women is well documented.
For men, there’s increasing evidence indicating older men have poorer semen quality, increased sperm DNA damage and mutations, leading to less reproductive success. Older men should also be counselled on their offspring’s possible increased risk of certain medical conditions."