Die Jäger-Taverne [Monster Hunter]

Naja Alatreon GS und Armor wäre schon schick :grin:

What? xD Meiner Meinung nach einer der schönsten Waffen

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hab seit kurzem mehr oder weniger ungewollt (u.A. wegen Sockeln) die 30 extra HP, und freu mich jedes mal drüber, wenn ich deswegen überlebe :smiley:

Das Langschwert finde ich sieht richtig beschissen aus.
Bin von sowas kein Fan.

Kommt halt auf die jeweilige Spielweise an. Earplugs kann man mit dem GS durch Tackle und den Rocksteady Mantle relativ gut kontern, + Leben ist natürlich nie verkehrt wenn man noch übrigen Sockelplätze hat.

Dafür kannst du dir aber den Mantel sparen und kannst draufhauen während andere sich die ohren zuheben. Es gleicht sich alles wieder aus.
Mit schnell schärfen z.b. kannst du deine Waffe stets auf weiß halten, was dann auch wieder mehr schaden macht. Nach einer gewissen Zeit gleicht sich der schaden aus.
Beim Speedkill ist das natürlich nochmal was anderes.
Mich nerven allerdings die Youtuber usw. Die vom „Besten Set“ oder „Beste Waffe“ sprechen. Schaden ist in MH nicht alles. Da pflichte ich @anon16191349 absolut bei. :slight_smile:

2 „Gefällt mir“

Natürlich nicht. Aber mir macht es aktuell Spaß an verschiedenen Sets herum zu bauen um zu sehen wie weit ich mit meinen Stats kommen kann. Leider gehen mir zwischen durch immer wieder ein wenig die Resourcen aus :grin:

Und für Speedkills wäre GS aktuell sowieso nicht die allerbeste Wahl.

Bisschen schnell schärfen habe ich aktuell aber auch drinnen, eben weil ich unter anderem auf weiße Schärfe gehe.

Das ist ja nicht verkehrt, ich mache ja momentan selber das was ich anprangere xD
Das zusammenbasteln und das Maximum herausholen ist natürlich spaßig, verstehe nur die Leute nicht die so etwas im Internet nachschauen und stupide nachbauen. Selber basteln macht viel mehr Spaß.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Schnelles schärfen unterschätzt man, ich habs und da schleift er nur 1-2 Mal schnell drüber und fertig ist es…da macht man theoretisch mehr Schaden als andere die nicht zum schärfen kommen

Edit: Ach haste später selbst noch geschrieben

1 „Gefällt mir“

man muss Bazelgeuse einfach lieben :laughing:

Nur weil er nen Anfängerfehler bestraft?^^
Bis auf die Musik ist er recht nervig und die Rüstung war wie ich sah auch miserabel (falls ich mich nicht irre und an ein anderes Set denke)

War nicht wirklich ernst gemeint^^
Bin auch kein großer Fan von Bazel, wobei ich sein Design und den Kampf mit ihm gut finde. Nervt nur wenn er andauernd in Kämpfe eingreift. Sein Set ist gar nicht so schlecht, besonders Ohrstöpsel kann sehr hilfreich sein.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Ich liebe dieser plötzliche Bombenhagel, gemischt mit diesem Sirenen Soundtrack. Diese kurze moment wo man denkt “wtf was geht jetzt ab?”

1 „Gefällt mir“

Kirin ist eine Bitch!
So arrogant stolziert es über das Korallenhochland.

Ich dresche mit meine Gewehrlanze auf ihn ein, als wäre sie mein erigiertes Glied, aber es will einfach nicht nachgeben!

Erst nach 28 Minuten brach sein Wille und ich konnte mich an seinen Körper ergötzen.

Das traurige, es war die Low Rang Version.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Irgendwie fühle ich mich nach dem Lesen deines Posts schmutzig.

3 „Gefällt mir“

Meine Gewehrlanze war rot, schuppig, mit etwas schwarzem Fell.

Stell sie dir vor!

sieh es positiv immerhin sieht das set gut aus :smiley:

Wenn dir Kirin schon im Low-Rank soviel “Spaß” gemacht hat, wird dir die Aufgabe nach erreichen von Jr.49 gefallen :slight_smile: :smirk:

2 „Gefällt mir“

Schönen Post auf Reddit bezüglich der Einstellung zum Spiel, vor allem zwischen Veteranen und neuen Spielern:

Hi guys

I just felt that it might be good for me to type out a somewhat cohesive post explaining to new members of this community explaining some of the push back people are experiencing with regards to discussion about “Best Builds” videos, some of the ambiguity revolving around people using the word “mixed sets and sets,” and the resistance from many veterans towards anything similar to “meta”.

First things first: Terminology

Sets: As of this moment there is a lot of confusion going on between veteran players and newer players over the term “sets”.

Most veteran players used to use the word “set” or “mixed set” to refer to a common combination of particular armor pieces [template] that will gift you a certain set of desired skills. This was very necessary in previous iterations of the monster hunter games because of how ambiguous and hard it was to calculate armor skill points and figure out cohesive combinations of armors that netted you the precise number of points needed in order to achieve the skills you wanted. As more tools (Athena was a god send) were developed these common “mixed sets” became less needed and the term “set” and “mixed set” became synonymous with any mixed combination of armors that you put together in order to get your skills (many times resulting in some odd looking clown suits unless you are a fashion hunter. More in that later)

As for new players. Most refer to sets as in wearing multiple pieces of armor from the same monster. This mentality is further reinforced by the addition of set bonuses. [Ex: Diablos Set bonus]. It is important for players (both veterans and new players) to clarify what exactly they are talking about when they discuss what they mean by “sets” and “mixed sets” so please take the time to make this clear when you are discussing these things with each other.

Builds: This word is causing a lot of controversy

Most veteran players simply don’t like this word. Mostly because of the hidden implications that comes with the word. Its a word that is commonly associated with min-maxing gaming culture [MMORPGs, ARPGs, etc etc] and in a game that was SO many more nuances to it than most games where you are trying to optimize damage its something that many veterans (maybe a bit too overzealously) are pushing back against and its causing a lot of confusion among the newer players.

As for new players. Why they tend to use the word “build” is because its the commonly most understood term when they are looking up how to “build” their character in an RPG. Especially in a game THIS massive and convoluted most new players are kind of desperately looking for something to help organize the chaos. So veterans please be understanding that most new players don’t understand the older terminology of this game and are using common layover terms from other games to help figure out things in all the chaos. Point out that there aren’t really “builds” in this game and that its mostly about wearing particular armor pieces for certain skills.


Most veteran players know that there will always be a type of “meta” for speed runners. As in a common set of armor skills that will be used to be able to very quickly defeat certain monsters in a controlled environment (and with rng luck and other things playing a factor). BUT they ALSO know there is an individual meta for EACH monster that is different for EACH weapon for NORMAL players (very different from speed runners) and that is VERY flexible based off of INDIVIDUAL preference.

As for new players. Many are coming from other games where they see RPG elements and expect there to be a “best” way to do things. They don’t understand this aspect and are again looking for something to help deal with how overwhelming this game is in terms of options.


Best Build Videos

Why there is so much push back:

Many members of this community have been here forever. I mean literally for years. There are VERY few games out there where its relatively normal to run into members that have put in hundreds and even thousand + hours on each major iteration of this game. I regularly run into members of this community that have 1000+ hours on Freedom Unite, 500+ hours game time in 3U, 1000+ hours game time in 4U, and conservatively 200-300+ hours on generations. These people are experienced, informed, and VERY PASSIONATE about this game. They really really really DON’T like low effort content. Clickbait videos immediately ring warning bells to them. Clickbait videos from people that are misinformed? THAT really upsets them. Mostly because they are used to extremely high quality content from niche youtubers who are JUST AS PASSIONATE AS THEM (and understand all of the nuance i mentioned above and thousands of hours more).

Which comes into the second part of why Best Build Videos piss off older members of this community so much. The whole popular game shit show of people ultra optimizing for damage in a game where honestly it is sometimes EXTREMELY detrimental to have that mindset is exactly what people are afraid of here. Most veterans know that learning curve. We know the path the game can take if we go that direction. Hell even just now I had to very firmly explain to a member of my clan to not antagonize players for how they play and allow them agency in their own choice of skills especially for things like evade, guard, elemental resistance etc. Sure I will nicely point out to a player that heavy artillery isn’t useful for 99% of the game and that they should know what they want is “artillery” and offer pointers if that is what they want but I’m definitely not going to criticize that player that uses fire resistance against a teostra because they find his enraged fire state stupid annoying.


Speed runners will throw away 10,20, 100+ hunts due to a single mistake or bad occurrence. Average people don’t throw away hunts. We want a stable 100% success rate with relatively efficient clear times. One thing that is almost universally understood among the veteran players that is a bit unique to monster hunter is that fact that the majority of people are completely ok with people using skills that are defensive. It doesn’t matter if you have the elite big damage numbers if you get your face smashed and get 1 shot or you just die to chip damage. Perfect example of this is Vaal’s Effulvia. If you are speed running you NEED to optimize for damage and try to kill Vaal before his effulvia chips you to death. But this is an absurdly impractical way to really fight Vaal for average players that want consistent clears and less risk within a reasonable amount of time (shaving off 2-3 minutes from a hunt because you have more damage hypothetically doesn’t mean its worth 2-3 times the risk that you get carted). 3 miasma decorations completely negates his effulvia and greatly relieves the pressure of the fight. There is almost NO reason for the average hunter to not do this or equip armor that carries the 3-stage effulvia resistance.

The biggest priority of people is.

Try your best (don’t be a leech and not fight or have others fight for you)

Stay alive to the best of your ability.

Have fun and lets kill monsters the way we want to.

Yes is it more optimal to frame perfect evade that roar for the small opening to get a swing in? Yes.

Is it practical to expect most people to do this? No.

Should you get earplugs? Up to you. If you like them use them.

As for the flip side of this:

Should we respect that some people DO hypothetically want to go for big damage numbers and optimized sets? Yes. We can have this discussion if both sides understand that this method of playing is just one of many and that MANY PEOPLE from other games will naturally deviate towards this direction. Let them grow to learn the game and if veterans help them figure out how to play I’m sure many will grow to become just as avid about this game as we are.


Forgot to mention Fashion hunting:

To the new players. Fashion hunting is wearing whatever armor they think looks the best. Regardless of the skills the armor gives them. Regardless of if its efficient or usable at all. Understand that in a game this open to player agency its best sometimes to let people enjoy how they want to play. Remember that as long as they are contributing and hunting to the best of their ability it is not a persons place to decree how another person should play.

On the flip side. If a fashion hunter goes into a room where the priority is extremely efficient farming clears and super optimized sets (hame for example)its probably best for them to also understand the other players and respectfully leave.

Best of Luck to everyone and have fun on your next hunt


1 „Gefällt mir“

kirin is ein arsch.

Reicht auch schon der kann meinetwegen in der hölle schmoren das vieh is so nervig, hab den bis jetzt nur 1mal im low rank gelegt und will den gar nicht im high rank machen

naja aber erstmal muss ich sowieso noch 2 bazelgeuse töten das ich endlich mal rang 29 überspring^^

und juhu ich hab endlich mein erstes set komplett verstärkt mit armor spheres fühlt sich gut an vmtl werd ich es nicht mehr brauchen wenn ich mir mal wirklich gedanken über mein eendgame build mach aber wayne ich mag ein maxed set :smiley:

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